LISTENING: I like to watch a lot of shows on TLC. Today, they are having a Say Yes to the Dress
Braidmaids marathon.

LOVING: I finally found out that I’m not moving to
another grade. This lady is staying in SECOND grade. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!
Guess I’m going to have to cancel my appointment.
Dr. Lucy.
THINKING: I always wait until the last hour to do
things which causes a tremendous amount of stress. I get the job done but imagine what I could
do if I would stop putting things off until the last minute.
WANTING: Okay, don’t cringe when I tell you this. I
really dislike decorating my classroom. I just can’t get into it like other
teachers. I have all these great visions that I can’t seem to implement. I need
to hire someone to do it for me. I’m
currently taking application for a classroom interior designer. Those who are
willing to work for Target/Dollar Tree gift cards or FREE will be interviewed
NEEDING: My classroom technology consists of an
overhead projector and one computer. YES, I’m serious!!! I need a SMART board,
an Elmo, and some iPads.
1. Pencil Sharpener: I’ve got to see if this pencil sharpener
works as good as everyone says. I hope I win one!!!
2. Comfortable Shoes: I wished that I could wear tennis shoes to
work everyday, but I can’t. It’s a good
thing that I have my Clarks.
3. Bag: I
can’t wait to use my new bag that I got for my birthday.
you have time, check out the other teachers’ currently and link up!!!